Your law firm might have a solid reputation and may receive good word-of-mouth recommendations, but are you visible on the Internet? Most of your leads are no longer consulting the yellow pages or print directories when they need a lawyer, but instead, are using search engines, online directories, law firm websites, and other resources. In […]
Can your law firm be found by your potential clients today?
Seventy-six percent of adults are seeking lawyers online. A study identified a four-stage search process for people looking for a lawyer. They gather information about their legal issue; find a lawyer; validate a lawyer; and select a lawyer. They use various online resources in all of these stages. How will they find you in all […]
Open wide and Put Some Teeth into Your Online Marketing
As dentists, your most valued number has always been 32, or the total number for a complete set of teeth. But there are now also other numbers and figures to consider with the Internet being such a big part of people’s lives. Here are some quick stats to chew on: 8 out of 10 say […]
Let your Dental Practice be More Visible to your Potential Patients and Shine through Digital Marketing
Let’s face it. Many people fear you. Seventy five (75%) percent of adults experience some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe. Five to ten percent have dental phobia who avoid dental care at all costs. What is it with dentists? When people were asked to think about the last time they searched for […]
Establish an Optimal Marketing Budget for Your Business with Our Pro Consultation Services
Developing a dynamic and cohesive marketing strategy has become essential for you if you want to profit in today’s competitive marketplace. Online marketing introduces and promotes products and services to your potential customers. Without the implementation of dynamic online marketing strategies, your potential customers will not learn about your products and services, and your business […]
Online Reputation Management: Leveraging Content & Social Media, Not Fake Reviews
In 2013, Dimensional Research carried out a study sponsored by a software company. While the research was about customer service and how it affects sales of midsize companies, researchers uncovered nuggets that changed the way people look at online reputation management forever. Those nuggets are as follows: 86% of respondents said negative reviews influenced their […]
It Takes Money to Make Money. Expand your Brand through Online Marketing
If you want to expand your brand, increase sales, and grow your business fast, then you have to invest money into your marketing to make it happen You have to invest in digital marketing. Your business should be very visible in the online world. Why? Because your potential customers have moved online. This is where […]
Beyond Local Online Presence: How Your Local Business Can Keep the Cash Register Ringing with ‘Local Buzz’
According to statistics, an overwhelming 78% of consumers research about products and services on the Internet before buying locally. The message consumers are sending local business owners is therefore clear: be visible online or get ready to close shop. A lot of business owners have responded to this message by getting a website done. They […]
Is Your Local Business Invisible Online? Discover Local Buzz! [Infographic]
More and more consumers are using the Internet to search for products and services in their area. Sadly, local businesses are struggling to keep up with the trend. They are finding it more and more difficult to stay visible to potential customers online. On the other hand, a select few local businesses are thriving. They […]
[Video] Customers Are Searching for Local Businesses Online – and How Your Business Can Survive the Shift
Do you still think that a listing on the yellow pages is enough for prospects to find your local business? If so, this is a wake-up call. The truth is this: paying customers are finding more and more ways to research products and services in their area. Widespread Internet access and mobile devices enable customers […]